This is the year of the parents garden is putting out some major peppers this year! Josh and Amber have been working really hard on the garden, wedding and feeding the soil. Looks like it's really paying off......these are all pretty much from the first harvest on the pepper plants. And they really didn't have a lot of pepper plants, all the cayennes came from just 3 plants!
They are also are having tons of squash! We have eatin' it about every day for the past 2 weeks! It's really yummy and we are finding lots of ways to use it. We've grilled it, boiled it, put it in a casserole and a pie, used it on a veggie pizza and just eatin' it raw! Who knew you could do so much with squash! I never even cook it at my place :)
Can wait for the tomaters! I'm looking forward to lots of salsa and bruschetta!!!!