Well...I'm sorta back-tracking trying to remember the things we did this summer and post pictures. Hard to believe it's August, kids are back in school and fall is on it's way (I will now go into my winter depression!)
We've had a pretty full summer, I guess....I never get "enough" sun or the beach...it's my favorite place and time of year. Although, I can hardly endure long periods of time in the sun anymore and now, you'll find me under my hat, under my umbrella, instead of basting in the sun! I still like it, but my skin tells another story, the one I want no one to read :)
We made another trip to the Destin beach area in July...actually Grayton beach. I love this area, the water is typically beautiful there....well, not this year! The seaweed was so bad, I mean bad. Never seen so much. There was no one in the water the first day we got there. I thought, this can't be good and from the looks of it, we knew it wasn't something that would clear in a day or two. So, unfortunately this year wasn't one that we got to enjoy the beach much, but we still made the best of it and enjoyed our time there. The girls were great and we got a lot of Josie & Ava time in!! I think we played Pinkalicious about 100 times that week! I'm still playing it in my sleep and I can hear Ava saying "do you wanna play Pinkalicious adain"......lol!
We attempted to get pictures at the beach before dinner one night, the wind was pretty bad and it was very difficult to get everyone looking in the same direction and hair intact...but we had fun trying!

Grayton Beach 2011!!......I miss it already!! (and I could go for one more game of Pinkalicious Ava!)