We just celebrated our 9th year together this week! It's hard for me to believe that we've been married that long. The years really go by....sometimes I have to stop and really think about the things we've done and all that we've been through to account for the time. Life is really pretty nice when you have a husband like mine! I have to say, I'm very blessed. He is one of the "good ones." I never have to remind him to be thoughtful or to even do the simple things that we all forget and take for granted. He is probably better at this than me.
I've learned so much from him about love, being patient and giving....he would like for me to learn a little more about planning, saving and maybe being on time! I just say, we are all a work in progress :)
I look forward to the years to come, the past 9 have been my best so far!
You are right....he is a good one, but so are you :) Love the picture of the two of you!!