Today starts his 4th week in the hospital. He has come so far since we got that first call that he was having kidney failure. What we thought was just something gone terribly wrong, turned into a very scary diagnosis of Wegeners granulamatosis. Just 2 weeks ago we weren't sure he would make it, not only were his kidneys failing, but his lungs were shutting down as well. They decided to put him to sleep while they worked on him. Each day they cleaned his blood, and lungs and the machines did all his breathing and kidney functions.
We tried not to be overwhelmed with this news, we just prayed that God would get him through.
Today, he is breathing on his own, he is up, eating regular food and complaining about being bored and wanting to go home. Music to our ears! We have prayed and asked everyone we know to pray and we are seeing God at work. I know that He is mindful of us and He still preforms miracles today.

We don't know what to expect with this illness, we are just trusting God with his life. He still has a battle ahead to fight, just keep praying for our little buddy, he means so much to our family!
Great News.......I will continue to pray! God Bless your family. Love ya!!