I can't believe that we have been in this house for 5 years! The time has truly passed me by and there is still so much that I need to do. I made so many decisions in the building process that it has taken me a long time to get to the decorating part or to feel like I've made each room reflect my style. As part of my plans to do more this year and not put off those things that I'm always trying to get around to...I've decided to do a little painting in some areas, change some furniture around and try to create some new looks. I'm so terrible about getting bored with a room before I even have it complete! The one room that I feel happy with most of the time would probably be our bedroom. It still feels good to me and is the room I spend most of my time in...............
So, I usually end up in my other favorite spot.....the bathtub! (No wonder I have such dry skin issues!)
As I continue to work on the rest of my house, I'll share my before and afters!
Your room is gorgeous. You are one of the few people I know that have a finished bedroom...it seems to be the room we all do last.