Monday, February 22, 2010

Loving This Weather!

We had a really great weekend and the weather was so nice for a change. I couldn't believe when we were on our way home from church and the car said the outside temp was 58, and the sun was shining! There is almost no sign left of the 8 inches of snow, I finally see grass!
We saw the movie Valentines Day this weekend, I really liked it. It reminded me of Love Actually, (which I really love) all those situations going on and some how linked to one another, but I found myself mostly being drawn to all the flowers in the background. There were some cool bouquets going out! That is one thing about living in this area, we just don't have flowers like that. I remember being in Seattle at Pikes Market and seeing all the huge bouquets of gorgeous flowers stuck in big buckets for sale, and they really weren't that expensive. If I lived there, I would be down there daily getting flowers for our home.

My favorite flower is a huge beautiful hydrangea, and if mine don't bloom again this year, I will be devastated! I think with the long ice storm we had last year, it caused them not to bloom.  I really missed being able to cut and dry them. Here's to thawing out and looking forward to spring blooms!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty flowers :)
    I think we should all just move....the heck with Indiana!!
