I just love the way the sunsets in our backyard on these early summer evenings, it's the best part of the day for me. I know summer hasn't "officially" started, but hey, when it's in the 90's for several days....it's summer to me!
We've been trying to get out and take advantage of the warm and sunny weather....so far, I've planted a few flowers and gotten most of my herb garden done.....yay, can't wait until it's ready for me to use. I love having lots of fresh basil and oregano on hand. I really love cooking in the summer and especially grilling out. It's great not to mess up the kitchen and grilling always seems so much easier to me. (Maybe it's because Pat does all the grilling and I pretty much don't have to cook at all!) This is one of our quick favorites....I've been calling it my "rustic chicken salad."
We just grill some really nicely seasoned chicken breast, I make homemade garlic & herb croutons from some day old bread and just make a salad with whatever I have....I like to use red & yellow peppers, lots of cucumber, some tomato and maybe a little red onion. We've been grilling corn to go with it and it's supper quick, easy and I feel like I've eaten a meal that's good for me too!
Here is my herb garden on it's way.......
Well, I hope your summer is off to a good start....enjoy!
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